Thursday, January 23, 2014

Rotary Park

 Today Margaret and I went to Rotary Park in Sycamore, IL. These are some of the shots that I took.
The shot above is of the path leading into the park. the shot below is at the top the sled hill. As you can see the top of the sled hill is very narrow. Trying to get the shot was challenging, I was a little scared of falling down the hill when trying to look through the view finder.

 In the top shot I was over looking the pond. When editing this shot I scaled back the exposure and changed the temp to more of a blue. I took down the highlights and added a lot of shadows.
In the lower shot I wanted the bridge that connects the two sides of the park. I had Margaret pose for me. When editing this shot I cropped out the sky since it was all white. This allowed me to elongate the bridge. I change the color of the bridge to more of a rust color to give it some age and enhanced the shadows in the bridge.   

 This shot was my only close up for the day. I used a small aperture. Which blurred out the back ground and allowed the plant to be the focal point of the pic. 
Margaret and I had a lot of fun going around the park, But in the end we were very cold. We both decided that we like taking more summer photography.

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